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About Me!

Moh. Nasyir Tamara was born in Kediri August 7, 1985. lived in Tambak Rejo village, Kec. Gurah, Kab. Kediri. I Graduated from SMAN 2 Pare in 2004 and studied at D4 Program of Mechatronics Engineering of Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (EEPIS), Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya in 2006. After Graduation in 2010 I applied as a lecturer at my almamater. As long as my experience in teaching I involved in making modules including experimental modules and practical guide especially in Practice of Robotic 1 and Robotics 2. Teaching experience are Electronic Workshop, Practice of Robotic 1 and Robotics 2, Practice of Adaptive Control, Practice of intelligent Control, and some others.

while teaching as a lecturer, I started my master studies in 2012 and graduated in 2014 at the Mechanical Engineering Master Program ITS which focusing on Manufacturing System. During my study, I met a lot of great figures (lecturers in Mechanical Engineering Masters Program) which opened my poin of view, cooperation, and also knowledge in other fields, besides many great figures (lecturers and co-workers) in my almamater.

besides engaging main task as lecturer in the field, i also intended to perform research and community service. As a researcher I am incorporated in Robotic Group of Robotic Vehicle and Its Application (RG ROVIAP), Defense Technology Research Center (DTRC), Ubiquitos Robotic Research Group (URRG), which focusing on research such as Remote Control Weapon System (RCWS), Nano Satelite, Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV ), and Rescue Robot for victims of natural disasters. Several community service activities under Research Group Sensor Fusion and Mechatronics Engineering Department are also conducted.

I think that is enough information . For more details it can be seen on the menu beside. If you are interested in discussions, I would be very glad to open opportunities to various parties to discuss and contribute to each other.




Work Address :
Kampus ITS, Jl. Raya ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60111.
Study Program D4 Mechatronics Engineering.
Departement of Mechanical and Energy Engineering. Lab. Robotics Vehicle (Room JJ102)

Office Phone : 031-5947280 (ext.4120)
Office Fax : 031-5946114

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Website : visit »
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1. CV nasyir eng.pdf
2. CV nasyir indo.pdf

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